Page 14 - CII Artha Magazine 1
P. 14

The monthly trends also show                                  B. LAGGARDS                Faster-than-expected
 Trajectory of Real GDP  that public spending is   Trends in Private Capital Expenditure  normalisation of the US
 progressing at a rapid clip. As                               Consumption demand         monetary stimulus
 50.0  30.0           (Value of Ongoing Projects*, Rs lakh crore)
 per the latest data available on   72.0           71.77       continues to move at
 40.0  20.1  8.4  20.0  CGA, capital spending for              snail’s pace               During the COVID-19
 5.4  10.0  April-November FY22 stood   71.0                                              pandemic, the US Federal
 30.0  4.6  3.3  3.0  0.5  1.6  0.0  at Rs 2.73 lakh crore, which is   The disaggregated picture   Reserve brought short-term
 20.0  -7.4  13.5 per cent higher in   70.0                    from the demand side shows   interest rates to near-zero
                                                               that private final consumption
 year-on-year terms and
 -10.0                                                                                    and restarted large-scale
 represents 49.4 per cent of   69.39  69.27                    expenditure (PFCE) continues   bond purchases, referred to
 -24.4  -20.0  the budgeted spend for the   69.0               to move at snail’s pace and   as Quantitative Easing (QE). It
 35.7  35.6  36.1  38.3  27.0  33.0  36.2  39.0  32.4  35.7
 0.0  -30.0  current fiscal. Notably, it is 28.0               trails pre-pandemic levels. It   helped in sharply bringing
 Q1FY20  Q2FY20  Q3FY20  Q4FY20  Q1FY21  Q2FY21  Q3FY21  Q4FY21  Q1FY22  Q2FY22  per cent higher than the same   68.0  grew at a slower rate of 8.6   down the borrowing costs,
 period in the pre-pandemic   Apr-Dec FY20  Apr-Dec FY21  Apr-Dec FY22  per cent in the Q2FY22 as   which cushioned the
 Real GDP (Rs lakh crore)  Real GDP growth (y-o-y%) (RHS)  year of 2019-20. While the   Source: CII analysis using CMIE CAPEX database  compared to 19.3 per cent in   economic recovery process
 progress so far has been good,   Note: *Ongoing projects = Outstanding projects - Implementation stalled  the previous quarter as
 Source: Central Statistics Office (CSO)                                                  in the US.
 to achieve the budgeted capital                               impact of a favourable base
 expenditure of Rs 5.5 lakh                                    effect waned. With this, the   However, in his recent
 TAKING STOCK   heartening to note that the   A. DRIVERS OF GROWTH  crore, the capex push by the   Sectors such as Transport   In absolute terms, the   consumption spending grew   remarks, the Federal Reserve
 government needs to be
                                                               by 13.5 per cent in the first
                                    merchandise exports have
        services, Construction &
                                                                                          Chair Jerome Powell has
 real GDP in absolute terms at
 OF THE YEAR   Rs 35.7 lakh crore in the   Public investment   sustained. One of the ways to   Real Estate, Metals & Metals   reached a cumulative value   half of the current fiscal.   indicated that the Fed will
                                                               However, encouragingly,
 do so is to expedite the
        Products and Chemicals &
                                    of US$299.7 billion between
 continues to do the
                                                                                          start tapering its bond
 second quarter of this fiscal
 has crossed the pre-pandemic   heavy lifting as the key   projects delineated under the   Chemical Products, where   April-December 2021,   private consumption is now   purchases soon in order to
                                                               at 96 per cent of the
 National Infrastructure
        sustained demand recovery is
 The GDP print during   levels of Rs 35.6 lakh crore   demand-side driver of   Pipeline (NIP), which are   visible, are driving the recovery in   which amounts to 75 per   pre-pandemic level.   keep inflation in check.  This is
 the economy
 Q1FY22 showed that the   seen in the second quarter of   nearing completion.  private investment and account   cent of the US$400 billion   likely to have repercussions on
 economy expanded by an   2019-20.   An analysis of the second   for nearly 62 per cent of total   export target set up by the   Supply-chain bottlenecks   interest rates globally, thus
 impressive 20.1 per cent -   quarter of this fiscal shows   Encouragingly, capital spending   private investment spending by   stifling growth impulses  affecting foreign inflows to
 testifying that the green   From supply-side basis, real   that public investment has   by the government across key   end of third quarter.  Industrial sectors such as   emerging economies like India.
 shoots of economic recovery   gross value added (GVA)   continued to do the heavy   infrastructure sectors has   engineering goods,   Supply-side bottlenecks   However, compared to 2013,
 are slowly but surely   stood at 8.5 per cent in   lifting as it bounced back to   remained healthy at Rs 1.81   Healthy exports also   petroleum products and   especially related to coal and   the Fed is being more cautious
 becoming visible. However,   Q2FY22 as compared to 18.8   the pre-pandemic levels in   lakh crore in the period   remain an enabler for   organic & inorganic   global shortage of   in normalisation this time,
 growth for the second quarter   per cent in the previous   Q2FY22. Gross fixed capital   April-November FY22 which   growth in the current fiscal    chemicals have driven the   semiconductors in the   prioritising economic recovery
 of the current fiscal (Q2FY22)   quarter.  formation (GFCF) was up   translates into a healthy 61.7   bulk of the rise in export   automobile sector affected   even as inflation remains above
 moderated to 8.4 per cent,   11.0 per cent in the second   per cent growth in   Global recovery, helped by   growth in this fiscal so far.   the growth of the industrial   the target. The impact of Fed
 which is primarily attributed   Having taken stock of the   quarter, largely supported by   year-on-year terms over  the   rapid pace of vaccination, has   Encouragingly, the   sector, especially the MSMEs.    taper will not be akin to the
 central spending, taking
 to waning of a favourable base   economy, we now bucket the   growth to 28.3 per cent in   comparable period last year.   boosted India’s external   labour-intensive sector like   This got mirrored in the   2013 taper tantrum episode,
 of last year.   movers and shakers of growth   the first half of the current   demand. Consequently, exports   gems & jewellery has also   passenger vehicle sales   given India’s strong external
 into the two broad heads of   Out of the key infra sectors,   have emerged as a critical   declining in double digits by   fundamentals, especially on the
 DRIVERS and LAGGARDS   fiscal as compared to 8.6 per   Shipping, Road Transport &   driver of growth in the current   seen robust growth during   18.6 per cent for the third   external front.
 Notwithstanding, the   and analyse their performance   cent in the similar period in   this period.
 deceleration in growth noted   below:  2019-20.  Highways, Housing & Urban   fiscal.   straight month in November
 in the second quarter, it is   Affairs and Railways have so far   2021 despite strong demand   High global commodity
 seen higher cumulative                                        in the local market. This was   prices pressurise
 spending during the year as                                   the lowest sales in seven   corporate margins
 compared to last year.                                        years for passenger vehicles.
 Cumulative Capital Spending by Ministries as a per cent of Budget Estimates  Merchandise Exports Performance (US$ billion)   Global commodity prices
 93%                                                           There are many factors     have inched higher in the
 73%  68%  Private capex, too, has   313.4   291.8     299.7     attributable for the grave   current year driven by an
 66%  started showing signs of                    263.7        semiconductor shortages    uptick in demand while supply
 65%  61%  recovery as per CMIE’s            233.8
 56%                                                           being felt currently worldwide.   has struggled to keep pace. In
 44%  capex data                        198.2                  From the supply side, there   2021, commodity markets
 39%                               164.4
 37%                           131.0                           are factors such as temporary   have been impacted by
 31%  34%  As per CMIE’s capex data,   95.5                    factory closures due to the   adverse weather conditions,

 private capital expenditure   63.0                            pandemic and disruptions in
 (measured by the value of                                                                with droughts in some parts
 10%                30.7                                       supply as storms halted
 7%  ongoing projects) stood at Rs                             production facilities in the US   of the world affecting a few
 71.7 lakh crore at the end of   FY20  FY21  April  May  June  July  August September October November December  and Japan.  The demand-side   agricultural commodities and
 Shipping  Road  Housing &  Railways  Heavy  Jal Shakti  Power  2021  2021  2021  2021  2021  2021  2021  2021  2021  reducing hydroelectricity
 Transport &  Urban  Industries  third quarter- higher than the   factors include huge backlog
 Highways  Affairs  Rs 69.27 lakh crore print seen   Source: Ministry of Commerce & Industry  of demand for chips due to   supply while floods in other
 Apr-Nov FY21  Apr-Nov FY22  in the same period in FY21 and    the release of pent-up demand   areas has impacted the supply
 Rs 69.39 lakh crore seen in the                                                          of certain metals and coal.
 Source: CGA                                                   amongst others.
 pre-pandemic period of FY20.
                                                                                           QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS
 DECEMBER 2021                                                                                       DECEMBER 2021
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